So here's a quick catch up. And because I'm doing so much catching up, I'm just going to paste exactly what told us.
Week 9 - Grape

Week 10 - Kumquat

He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.
If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.
In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.
Week 11 - Fig

She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
Our baby is doing so well!! We are very proud of her/him/them :) I am also very proud of Liz. She has allowed all of her resources to be drained for the well being and development of our child.
we have our first doctor's appointment tommorrow. We are very excited. Hopefully we'll have some pictures to share of the newest addition to the Duckett family.
I am so excited! I cannot wait to hear how your appointment goes!